Words: by David West
To a world of sorrow a Sav-iour was sent,
Tho millions have never believed;
If only they had heard the sweet message of His word;
Who will go and the gospel proclaim?
To the souls in darkness, Christ’s death seems in vain,
They wander so lost from the fold.
O tell them why He came, bear the message still the same,
Jesus died for their sin to atone.
O why do we linger, why tarry so long?
The time of His coming is nigh.
The day is fading fast, Come the night all hope will pass.
We must rise, there’s no time for delay.
The night, the night cometh when no man can work,
We must labor for the Lord while there is time.
For the Lord will soon descend, bringing harvest to an end,
The night is coming, no more time, lost souls to win. Lost souls to win.
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