Words: by David West
Where sounds the plead-ing voice and sigh? Deceived by fool-ish pride; With hearts of stone they live their lives in vain; They stumble down the path of sin, confusion marks their way. If only they had heard, “Be born again.”
On shadowed hope, so dark with fear, ar-rayed with bitter tears, They seek to heal the hurt, but so much pain. With hearts sin-cere they ling-er on while death is ever near. The Savior bids us go. Why do we wait?
Make haste to follow at His call. His Word we must obey. As night descends the day-light fades away. Be counted with the faithful few and hold the banner high Un-til by faith they see His saving grace, His grace.
The need of the hour; Oh, tell the story. The need of the hour; Pro-claim His glory. Je-sus will save them by His power. The need of the hour, to trust in Him.
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